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in 2018
Managed a tour for buyers of Samsung Electronics, TOVIS, POSCO and DAEWOO
Managed a tour for buyers of Hanwha Total, Green Cross Corporation and Hansol Paper
Managed a tour of Severance Hospital, M&R Korea, Kuhsan Corporation and Korean Society of Endometriosis
Managed a tour for buyers of SUNGWON MEDICAL, MERITZ Asset and Adwin Korea Corporation
Signed the MOU with HYUNDAI Duty Free Shop
in 2017
'Awarded 'SEOUL certified a Quality Tour Package' - local festival & Agritourism
'Awarded 'Good Travel Agency authenticated by Seoul in 2017-2018'
Managed an event for Youth Work Experience by KTO
Managed an event for Cheongdo Teacher Yin child model academy
Managed a graduation trip with Yonsei University and Sungkyul University
Managed a tour with the National Classical Music Institute, Gyeongbu Expressway and a law firm
in 2016
Signed the MOU with LOTTE Duty Free Shop, SHILLA Duty Free Shop, Dongwha Duty Free Shop, HDC SHILLA Duty Free Shop and SHINSEGAE Duty Free Shop
Managed an event for KOREA-CHINA Youth Taekwondo Cultural Exchange
Signed the MOU with CITS in China and CTS
Signed the MOU on industrial-educational cooperation with Yuhan University
in 2015
Start a business of Inbound Travel Agency for Southeast Asian, Japanese and Chinese
Managed a school trip with Kyungdong University, Gyeonggi Gaonnuri, Ga-on high school
Launched an advanced concept site for a reservation of a group
in 2014
Made an achievement of No.1 Hana Tour agency in sales
Managed a school trip with Daedo Elementary School
Made & operated a website for Inbound Travel Agency
in 2013
Launched a marketing agency business
in 2012
Signed the MOU with guesthouse, Daon tour and Nice travel
in 2011
Made & operated a website for leports
in 2010
Assisted international events of korean idol groups including SS501
in 2009
Signed the MOU with Hana Tour
in 2008
Singed the MOU with Mode Tour
in 2007
Established a travel agency named 'Korea Education Travel Inc.'
Made a website

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