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A travel that has a supreme happiness, a leisurely rest and a infinite delight!
Nice to meet you. We're Korea Education Travel Inc.!

Our travel agency is specialized in MICE and tour services for VIP
and we have handled overseas buyers of Korean famous companies
such as Samsung Electronics, POSCO, MERITZ Asset, Severance Hospital,
Hansol Paper, Green Cross Corporation, YALE accounting firm.

We were awarded '2017 KATA certified a Quality Tour' & 'SEOUL certified
a Quality Tour Package' and designated as 'Good Travel Agency in 2017~2018
by SEOUL for the professionalism and high customer satisfaction.

Besides, we provide satisfactory tour services at a reasonable price
with various experiences and know-how, so,it enables us to make a creative
schedule and a customer service for our client's needs.
Our travel agency can work for Corporate Training Program,
international student exchange between Korean and China, company VIP escort
service, incentive tours and a training program for government officers.

Customer satisfaction will be a top priority always and all of the employees
in our travel agency will do our best to make your trip happy and impressive.

Thank you.

Korea Education Travel Inc.

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